Archives: Testimonials

Katia Oler

Through DECA, I’ve gotten to work with some of the most supportive people I know and have pushed myself harder than I knew was possible.

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Laura Delano

I was a very quiet person and could barely be heard, even during class. Now I feel more confident about my words. I’ve been able to convey my ideas and have never been happier.

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Edward Bird

Through DECA I build friendships I never planned on and have had some of the best memories of my life.

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Devin Clyde

I joined DECA as a freshman solely for the reason that I could be able to travel to cool locations for Nationals. Throughout my years in DECA though, I have developed a sense of pride for the community surrounding it and I have become very invested in the club. I have picked up a lot […]

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Calla Shosh

I’ve been a part of DECA for 2 years now, and it’s always felt like a family. My favorite DECA memory is when everyone was at State last year. After the competitive events had finished, we all hung out in the lounge at the hotel. In that moment it didn’t matter which chapter people were […]

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Pierce Kiolbasa

I’ve met so many great people from all around the state while still improving my skills in the marketing world. DECA has provided me a great way to make new bonds and build my resume simultaneously. I always love the experience at state competitions, everyone is friendly but still ready to compete for a trophy. […]

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Byson Taylor

I started in DECA Last year and it helped me to realize my potential in business and entrepreneurship. through DECA I have met new friends and valuable contacts for future projects.

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Xiner Luo

DECA is a place to grow and be inspired by emerging leaders of our generation. It challenges you in new ways, making you a better leader, classmate, friend, and community member.

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Alhena Islam

DECA is an amazing organization that has not only built my communication and leadership skills, but also has allowed me to network and make friendships with students from around the country and world. I have gained opportunities and experiences that I would not otherwise through DECA.

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Alaina Soto

Deca has opened so many doors for me and helped me to become a more confident. It’s give me the opportunity to meet so many incredible people that have inspired me to become better.

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